Thursday, October 18, 2012

Stalking a blog....

OK....I admit it....I have now officially become a stalker of my Stash Bee quilting blog!  The reason?  Well, I am the Queen Bee for my hive this month and I keep wanting to see if there are any new postings from my hive members for my quilt block. 

It started when I realized that everyone's were turning out so cute and I got so excited about seeing them!  Then I started imaging how I would lay them out and what binding fabric I would use.  It is killing my productivity....I need to work on other things but how can I not get excited with each posting that says "Quilt block for Rachelle or Hive #2?"  It is like Christmas but only better since it lasts all month!!!!!!!!

Below is an example of one of the blocks created....

Note: Created by Carol who is in Hive 4 but wanted to join in the fun.  Isn't this awesome?

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